Friday, March 07, 2008

Breaking yet another capable and important federal agency

The loyal Bushies take away another protection from the American people.

Blue Girl at Blue Girl, Red State
Julie Gerberding has trashed the CDC, and spent a few billion of your dollars doing it. She took an agency that worked, that was the global gold standard 0f public health, and demoralized the staff, drove off the top talent, changed the structure of the agency so it now has a centralized command structure, and, in general, ruined it. (This is considered "success" by the Bush cabal.)

And in no department within the CDC has her ham-fisted politicized management style been more acutely felt than in the vaccine safety office. The vaccine safety office was, until 2004, led by a charismatic Taiwanese immigrant named Robert T. Chen.
Thanks, Julie. When the next pandemic hits, we'll think of you.


Distributorcap said...

c'mon ell
don't you know the rules by know

whoever trashes the most federal agencies wins!

GWB is doing a bang-up job and he doesnt want anyone (like mccain) to come close

ellroon said...

He'll leave McCain to sweep up the wreckage....