Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Jacqueline Skye Outlaw asks questions

Does anyone wonder why? What is wrong with the Republican party when we break it down? Why does the Republican party continue to fight against the undeniable and unrefutably scientific proof of climate change? Why do they foolishly refuse to take immediate action to try to save us before time runs out? Why do they work extra hard to deny humans and other life forms the right to a long term healthy existence on our planet? Why do they fight against the immigrants with such fierce resistance and cruelty in order to prevent them from obtaining a deserved piece of the American pie? Why do they plot against the middle class's' right to obtain a working wage, an obtainable higher education, a piece of the American dream? Why do they work hard and long to fool people into continuing to vote for them while covering up that they are trying to phase us out one class and lifeform at a time? Why are they taking everything away from the ninety something percent only to give more to the already filthy rich? Why do they want to make the poor poorer? Why do they wish to make it impossible for the average person to obtain quality healthcare and affordable health insurance? Why do they promote the NRA's desire to make and sell war weapons of mass destruction while innocent people die regularly from the arrogance of such stubborn resistance to the truth? Why do they side with the NRA in their evil plot to hide and distort the facts that guns kill while we continue to bury our dead? Why do they go to great lengths to ignore and cover up that thousands of species of plants and animals are dying each year to never return? Why do they twist and distort the Constitution of the United States to promote ignorance while denying our Constitutional rights to American citizens living in a country meant to remain free? Why are they putting up with a deranged man masquerading as President when his incompetence is obvious and destructive to our country now and long term? Why are they allowing Russia to invade, control, and attack our country behind the scenes? What are they up to exactly? What is their end game? Do they possibly have a hidden agenda, a long term secret plan to escape the massive destruction they are causing to our environment as they make our planet uninhabitable? Where will they go when our planet no longer sustains life? Do they know? Do they have another planet in mind and plan to leave the rest of us behind to burn to death and wither way without food and water? Are they truly this short sighted in their deranged madness to chase the almighty shallow dollar? Have they lost sight of their own immanent demise? Why are they trying to kill us off as they pollute and destroy our very existence in every way on a planet that can't possibly continue to survive? Are they not made of flesh and bone? Do they not also depend on the planet as their primary source of life? All the power and money in the world can't save them from what they are doing to our Nation and our planet! No one in their right minds would do the horrid things they are doing unless? Is there is an underlying agenda that we don't know about and aren't privy to as the average Americans whom they are always trying to hoodwink? Where does their hellbent road to certain destruction end, if not with our imminent deaths? What does the Republican Party stand for if not for certain death of all things good, in disguise? Still, we have to ask why?!

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