Sunday, April 06, 2014

I'm still here... life just doing what life does...

What some Republicans think about wives.

Hobby Lobby DOA?  A cartoon that takes it a step further.

Death by climate change.


Steve Bates said...

I like the article at Care2, but they could use a proofreader. This was the screamer...

  ho needs foodstamps?

She do? Then there's this, which isn't a typo, but...

  Ralph Reed used to be the
  architect behind the   Christian Coalition,
  and a driving force in   getting religious   conservatives out to the   polls...

I'm all in favor of getting religious conservatives out to the poles, half of 'em to the North Pole, half to the South...

When I stay up all night, I am an outright menace to public health.

ellroon said...

Well... even hoes (and shovels) need care.

And Ralph Reed must drink preservatives.