Monday, August 14, 2006

George is a blustering, bumbling, assholic bully.

The preznit truly is a bully. (Some go as far as saying he's the antichrist.)

Do you remember the shot in Fahrenheit 9/11 where Bush is talking to several excited middle aged women? He drapes his arm around one woman then ignores her while he talks to another. The lady stands awkwardly in this casual embrace, embarrassed and delighted. He was smirking with glee.

In Kitty Kelley's The Family: The Real Story of The Bush Dynasty, she touches on the warped childhood. Bush On The Couch by Justin A. Frank also talked about his immaturity and bluster. The stories about his treatment of neighborhood kids, the blowing up of frogs, the branding of newcomers to the Skull and Bones, the mocking of Karla Faye Tucker's plea for life, the need for torture, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, the bizarre presentation of his manliness by flinging his legs wide open when greeting visiting heads of state, the groping of Chancellor Merkel ...besides the horrifically obvious: the Iraq war, his refusal to acknowledge the dead soldiers or go to their funerals.

And I've just covered what comes to mind. The man is insane. And we have two plus more years to go....

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