Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You must remember this

A kiss is just a kiss

A lie is just a lie ... except from Karl Rove it's a great staggeringly big baldfaced fucking ultimate lie.

David Axlerod for the Washington Post
: (my bold)
Of all the claims Rove made, one in particular caught my eye for its sheer audacity and shamelessness -- that congressional Democrats "will run up more debt by October than Bush did in eight years."

So, let's review a little history:

The day the Bush administration took over from President Bill Clinton in 2001, America enjoyed a $236 billion budget surplus -- with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. When the Bush administration left office, it handed President Obama a $1.3 trillion deficit -- and projected shortfalls of $8 trillion for the next decade. During eight years in office, the Bush administration passed two major tax cuts skewed to the wealthiest Americans, enacted a costly Medicare prescription-drug benefit and waged two wars, without paying for any of it.

To put the breathtaking scope of this irresponsibility in perspective, the Bush administration's swing from surpluses to deficits added more debt in its eight years than all the previous administrations in the history of our republic combined. And its spending spree is the unwelcome gift that keeps on giving: Going forward, these unpaid-for policies will continue to add trillions to our deficit.

Don't let them rewrite history. Remember this.

h/t to Echidne of the Snakes for the link.


Steve Bates said...

"... the Bush administration's swing from surpluses to deficits added more debt in its eight years than all the previous administrations in the history of our republic combined."

IIRC, this was already true of Bush's spending at the end of his first term.

The debt is one thing; the willingness of the American people to believe thin fabrications about the origins of the debt is another. I presume we all knew kids who got out of trouble, or even stayed out of trouble, by being exceedingly clever at misrepresenting their own misdeeds as those of someone else. At a low level, such behavior may be harmless, but when the GW Bushes and Karl Roves of the world grow to chronological adulthood without having been diverted from pathological lying as a self-defense device, we may find ourselves and our nation at a level of attempts to fictionalize stark reality that simply are not sustainable. We're damned close to that point now.

ellroon said...

Who do you believe? Karl Rove or your lying eyes?