Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blog sprinkles


I always KNEW they were trashy rodents!


It's what you scream as you see it sail past? PHAaaaa!!! There are currently 1091 known Potentially Hazardous Asteroids.
  • You say El Nino, I say La Nina, let's call the whole thing off ... El Nino, La Nina


Steve Bates said...

   (for ellroon)

What critter litters on your lawn?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)
What totes its nuts at dusk and dawn?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)
What lands on roofs, and creeps 'neath eaves,
And pilfers, filches, nabs and thieves
Until a patient person grieves?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)

What scurries over power lines?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)
What skips the bill when out she dines?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)
What munches seeds you left for birds,
Has manners far too rude for words,
And once he's done, leaves lots of t^>ds?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)

What object, when you've had enough
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)
Will end this nonsense, stuff this stuff?
(A squirrel can. A squirrel can.)
What sort of trap, 'neath Moon or Sun
Will hold a squirrel, stop its run
While you depart to get your gun?

- SB the YSS

(I kid you not, the CAPTCHA text is "crakers"! Animal crakers, I presume...)

ellroon said...

... in my soup!

This is wonderful. I must post this.