Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just wondering...

Why are Catholic bishops involved in my health care? I'm not Catholic.


Anonymous said...

the Catholic Church reminds me of this guy...

Here's Marcy from our previous discussion..

"MD would do better yelling at the Catholic Bishops, who think it’s more important for Bart Stupak to make choice less accessible to all women than it is to provide lots of poor Catholics health insurance, than he would yelling at Grijalva and Nadler."

BTW SoBeale's buddy Octopus has got a great post up on corporate influence

And the links at the bottom of the post are all worth reading IMO.

via Southern Beale's post here:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....the links work if you cut and paste them...I don't know what I did wrong.

ellroon said...

Not sure what you did but the links worked in Gmail. It could be the glories of Blogger rather than Echo.

But your links for other readers: the Mayor's face, Octopus' post and Southern Beale's.

ellroon said...

Thanks for the links, btw.