Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Proclaiming that we're under attack from evil alien subhumans

Is an historically proven way to unite and ignite the base and consolidate power. The words used bring to mind what was said about Jews by the Nazis:
Gays and lesbians, like other enemies of Christ, are not fully human. They are “unnatural.” And preachers in the movement argue that if America does not act soon to eradicate homosexual behavior, God will punish the nation. These attacks mask a sinister agenda that has nothing to do with sexuality. It has to do with power.

The radical Christian right—the most dangerous mass movement in American history—has built a binary worldview of command and submission wherein male leaders, who cannot be questioned and claim to speak for God, are in control and all others must follow. Any lifestyle outside the traditional model of male and female is a threat to this hierarchical male power structure. Women who do not depend on men for their identity and their sexuality, who live outside a male power relationship, challenge this pervasive cult of masculinity, as do men who find tenderness and love with other men as equals. The lifestyle of gays and lesbians is intolerable to the Christian right because its existence is a threat to the movement’s chain of command, one they insist was ordained by God.

1 comment:

ellroon said...

I can hear them now...