Friday, March 30, 2007

I never knew we were responsible for so many countries

Did they invite us, ask us to be involved, or did we just assume they needed help? And at the moment, I don't think the world community wants us to be the self-appointed world policeman. We've made kind of a hash of it, don't you think?

From the United States Central Command website, here is their area of responsibility:

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(Got an eight minute visit from someone at this site (U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND (USCENTCOM)) checking out Operation Bite. Do you guys know something we don't know? Can we ask politely that you not attack Iran until we've cleaned up the messes we've made in Afghanistan and Iraq? And besides... we don't really have a reason to bomb Iran yet. Let's not have another disastrous preemptive strike to stop pretend WMDs.)

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