Friday, August 18, 2006

Swiftboating without the manual

Strange, the Marine who is filing suit against Murtha (incredible timing to the elections, don'cha think?): The Marine's lawyer Zaid said the filing is designed partly to force Murtha to disclose what information he received from the Defense Department and the Marine Corps commandant to form his opinion, essentially trying to speed up the discovery process in a potential criminal trial.
But: It says that the logbook, which was meant to be a daily record of major incidents the marines’ company encountered, had all the pages missing for Nov. 19, the day of the killings, and that those portions had not been found, the officials said. You can't swiftboat someone until you've cleaned up all the paperwork.


yasser said...

funny how in these cases the paperwork mysteriously disappears...

ellroon said...

Wonder if it left the room stuffed in someone's pants...