Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lie, cheat, and deny racism

Telecom industries go subversive to try and tilt the move for net neutrality.

The California Clean Money and Fair Elections Act (Proposition 89) has a website up now.

Robert Scheer reminds us how hard the Bush administration worked to subvert the 9/11 investigation and how it has handicapped us in the eternal War on a Noun. "Thus, the lie that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, irreconcilable enemies, were in cahoots was shamelessly sold to the American public. Now we are told that Israel’s fight against Hezbollah is simply a battle in the larger war on terrorism, rather than what it is: the playing out of a historically rooted regional drama. All global narratives are subservient to the goal of posturing Bush as a “war president,” unaccountable and irreproachable."

Senator George Allen exposes his racist views in a joke. Maybe he thought he could drop in a coded message to his racist buddies. This guy wants to be president. Update: He continues to blame the victim.

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