Sunday, July 03, 2011

I bet if they proved

That Monsanto's Roundup caused the miscarriage, they would back off. Corporate rights rule even over the sanctified fetus...
Pregnant Women Who Lose Babies Face Criminal Charges In Mississippi, Alabama


mahakal said...

Nobody is caring about the fetus. It isn't about that at all. It's just about keeping women controlled.

ellroon said...

Exactly. People have noted that when they agree with the anti-choicers and say,"Let's make ALL pregnancies wanted ones by making birth control pills and condoms and all contraceptives free", the anti-choicerc become quiet. It's about controlling the hussies, not saving the babies.

mahakal said...

Let who is without sin throw the first stone.

word verification: scudier

ellroon said...

But then you'd put the stone masons out of business and the economy would fail!