Saturday, March 06, 2010

Scapegoats are needed

To bond people together! How can we know we're all on the same side if we don't define who we're against??!!11?
Virginia attorney general instructs state colleges to stop protecting gay students from discrimination.


libhom said...

The Virginia Republicans are so incredibly evil and extreme, even in comparison with the rest of the Republicans, who are really awful.

ellroon said...

Leading the charge back into the dark ages....

I don't know if they qualify as evil as much as they are truly benighted. I guess they feel that doing this kind of shit is truly a win/win situation. Shows they are 'moral and upstanding citizens' and shows those DFHs a thing or two about how to behave!....

I don't know if they have the mental capacity to see how utterly hateful their actions are though....