Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Just practicing what Eli of Multi Medium is suggesting. It is so sickening to see time after time Democrats fold and crumple and apologize for things they never should apologize for. How many Republicans have apologized for the horrific things they've said?:
I’ve written a few posts about how Democrats need to start standing up for themselves, and stop validating dishonest criticism. I’m very fond of Paul Hackett’s “I said it, I meant it, I stand behind it” mantra, but I’m starting to think that it doesn’t go far enough.

When you are attacked by a hypocrite, by someone accusing you of the very thing that they themselves are guilty of, it’s not enough to simply stand your ground. You have to counterattack. You have to call them on their hypocrisy, remind everyone that their offenses against civility and decency are far, far worse than yours. I recommend that the Democrats memorize and practice these three little words, which must be incorporated into every response to phony Republican outrage:


Go ahead, try it. Who knows, you might even like it.

Thanks, Eli, I do like it. I want the Democratic idiots who represent me in Congress to stop collapsing in a faint and stand up to the bullies in the White House. Even taking a punch in the snoot would do us proud. Just fucking stand up to them, dammit!

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