Monday, October 29, 2007

Brave Sir Rumsfeld ran away

Bravely bold Sir Rumsfeld fled forth from Paris
He was not afraid to have others die, O brave Sir Rumsfeld
He was not at all afraid for them to be killed in nasty ways
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Rumsfeld

He was not in the least bit scared to have others mashed into a pulp
Or to have their eyes gouged out and their elbows broken
To have their kneecaps split and their bodies burned away
And their limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Rumsfeld....
(mangled hijack of Monty Python's Brave Sir Robin)

Whig of Cannablog first caught it, Steve Bates of The Yellow Doggerel Democrat expounded more: Rumsfeld had to leave France suddenly to avoid legal complications over a lawsuit.


and here

and here

Call or fax French Prosecutor Jean Claude Marin
to urge him to charge Rumsfeld with torture.

and Attaturk has an excellent pic


Sorghum Crow said...

Poor Rummy.... Looks like he'll be vacationing with Kissinger in the Poconos.

Steve Bates said...

I wonder if the Bushes bought enough land down in Peru for everybody to live. Shades of post-W.W.II Argentina!

ellroon said...

(Psst...It's Paraguay). I'm sure Osama and Kenny Boy are lounging by the pool and waiting for Georgie's term to end.