Friday, July 06, 2007

Sicko review

Steve Bates of The Yellow Doggerel Democrat tells it like it is.

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Steve Bates said...

Thanks for the link, ellroon. Moore was right: it did hurt a little, or in most cases, quite a lot.

ellroon said...

I'm prepared. When I go see it, I'm taking a whole tissue box. And a pad of paper to write down the facts.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet but will and will be better prepared for it thanks to Steve's post and Ellroon pointing me there.
The facts exist under my nose as I have "insured" friends that had to declare bankruptcy due to a catastrophic illness. Their insurance had so many caveats that they weren't aware of.
Wonder how much of the cost to include health care for every US citizen would be mitigated by cancelling a couple of aircraft carrier orders, not to mention the drain of Iraq.

ellroon said...

Reading in the Los Angeles Times about Prime Healthcare Services, Inc. here in the southland. Run by a doctor who is buying up hospitals. His company "prospers by canceling insurance contacts".

So even if you ARE covered by your health insurance, you could lose it all if creeps like Dr. Prem Reddy purchase your HMO....

Will post link.