New York Sun: Cheney ‘Sees An Opening’ And Wants To Run For President
Think Progress:
In April, the New York Sun published an editorial entitled “Cheney’s Chance,” encouraging the Vice President to jump into the presidential race. The Sun argued that having a “defender on the campaign trail” would boost Bush’s approval ratings.
In a review of Stephen Hayes’ new biography of Cheney, Ira Stoll — the editor of the Sun — recycles his plea. Stoll writes that he believes the Hayes book is part of an effort by Cheney to drum up support for a potential campaign run...
Well, a Cheney run WOULD take the edge off Hillary's negatives in the eyes of the public...
After that review, if Cheney won, we could say without a doubt that he Stoll the election.
What would Cheney's slogan be?
Vote for me or you're gitmo'ed!
Don't change horses mid-apocalypse!
I'm not done yet! Iran is next!
You notice I am ignoring your Stoll pun... I spent a lot of time trying to make something of his first name Ira.. Iran Iraq..
I would love to see Cheney jump into the race, from about 10 stories up.
Or do a Bob Dole and fall off the stage?
Please run, Cheney. A 9% approval rating will really bolster the Republican party's image.
And who would want to move into a used secure undisclosed location anyway? Cheney has it all set up to take over the world, why not let him finish the job?
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