Friday, March 02, 2007

What is it about pregnancy

That makes politicians think they need to legislate bizarre laws?


In other words, stripping women of their rights as soon as they become pregnant is nothing new. So Georgia’s proposal to require that doctors offer HIV tests to all pregnant women — and make a note in their medical records if they refuse — should not surprise us.

At first glance, this bill doesn’t seem all that egregious — after all, who doesn’t support cutting the risk of HIV transmission? But this puts pregnant women in a unique category of people who must be offered the test, and who will be on record as to accepting it or not. If we’re really worried about HIV transmission, why not require that doctors offer an HIV test to every sexually active boy or man they treat, and make a permanent note if he refuses? After all, men are pretty good at spreading STIs to their partners (far better than women). But we don’t do that because men, as a class, are assumed to be responsible enough to request a test if they feel they need it.

I think we need to pass a constitutional amendment that says whatever laws are passed affecting women, the same or equivalent one will be passed affecting men. Fair is fair!

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