Monday, March 12, 2007

Waxman demands answers from Condi

Questions in letters long ignored:
Update 3/13: Digby at Hullabaloo is also proud of Henry Waxman:
You all see where this is going don't you? Perhaps Mr Fitzgerald was bound to stick to charges which he could prove in a court of law and had no mandate to expose the administration's lies and distortions in the run-up to the war. But the Democrats are under no such restraints. Indeed, they have that mandate, conferred by the people in November of 2006.

The Republicans want to rend their garments over poor little Scooter having been found guilty of lying even though there was "no underlying crime." Well, it depends on what the definition of crime is, doesn't it? Perhaps this White House didn't break the law when it "stovepiped" the intelligence to take this country into war, but damned well committed a political crime and it should be held to account for thet.

It will all come out --- every clumsy, stupid lie they told, and they'll pretend that up is down and black is white and their true believers will believe it. But the nation as a whole seems to be getting a little bit tired of feeling disoriented by the Republicans' insistence that they should ignore what their eyes and ears are telling them. This clarifying process is long overdue.

Go Henry. You make me proud to be a citizen of Santa Monica.


Anonymous said...

I'm liking this whole oversight thing that Waxman has going....

ellroon said...

That man is my hero!

ellroon said...

Thank you kind sir for your passionate defense of Condi's abilities.

Just a note. People rather quickly cease listening when you address them as 'you people', but I'm sure you know that. I've been guilty of it myself.

Waxman wants what I want: the truth. If Condi stands up and blows everything away with facts and evidence while she answers all the questions listed, I will stand and applaud. But I doubt she can. I will watch with great interest.