Thursday, March 15, 2007

Viacom shakes down YouTube

Promptly killing the golden goose. The world shrugs and goes elsewhere.

Tengrain over at Mock, Paper, Scissors:

Viacom continues its ritualistic suicide amongst the young and mobile by continuing to attack what is perhaps the greatest, free advertising it has ever had, and generate disdain and distrust from potential viewers and customers. If you ever tried to upload something to YouTube, you already know that these folks spent hours, and hours of their time and labor to do it, and now all that work is wiped out. Viacom antagonized their viewers with that request, and treated them like criminals.

This is so silly. Viacom is scared of losing money and market share to the internet, but they are not considering that these little, fuzzy 3-minute clips might be inducing viewers to go look at their product. Because, you know, I want to watch two minutes “The Daily Show” on a tiny 2-inch fuzzy WMV file rather than watch the entire show on a gigantic entertainment center with a plasma screen. It just doesn’t make sense.

So my guess is that Viacom is trying to shake down Google; they don’t just want free advertising, they want someone to pay them for it. This will end with a settlement.

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