Why are we not surprised?
While everyone's attention is focused on Monica Goodling's invocation of the Fifth, emails and Executive subornation of an objective process in how the DOJ selects its targets for prosecution, the larger point - Executive appointments, job qualifications and how failing to meet those qualifications led to mistakes.
My Little Crony, chapter 413.
They really had a theocracy all planned out for us, didn't they?
They really had a theocracy all planned out for us, didn't they? - ellroon
Do you really think they don't still have that planned for us? What, in the past 6+ years, has ever stopped the Bushists from doing whatever the hell they wanted?
Goodling's religious background should, by all rights, be irrelevant here. Either she does or she doesn't have the qualifications for the job. Either she does or she doesn't have a basis for pleading the Fifth. I am less concerned with her dubious law degree from an obsessively Christian institution than I am with her apparent intent to subvert the process.
Those young resume-lacking Christians that were swept up into helping plan for Iraq's new democracy, or for American imperialism to forcefully spread Christianity to those godless heathens.... do you think these idealistic Christians have been brought up short by the obvious evil in the Bush administration?
Or is subverting the process in the name of the Lord a good thing?
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