Sunday, March 11, 2007

Take a look at the guy

Who is delighting in calling Edwards a girly girl. Come to your own conclusions.
Glenn Greenwald explains:
In connection with that post I wrote, it is critical to keep in mind why so many right-wing followers have this compulsive need to feminize Democrats and liberals while (both explicitly and by effect) masculinizing themselves. It is virtually always revealing, whenever this pathetic feminizing tactic is used, to examine the individuals who are using it. In virtually every case, the motivation behind this tactic -- the personal need that it fulfills -- becomes painfully obvious. It is always about the Feminizer, never about the target.
Actually Edwards doesn't look half bad in that Breck ad.....

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Update 3/12:
Being a woman, I think I can feminize without danger. Look what I found on these here internetal tubes:

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Anthropositor said...

Speaking of internetal tubes, look at the variety of ways in which attempts are being made to "tie the tubes" achieving greater and great levels of birth control for good ideas. The good ideas are so outnumbered by nonsense that they have a low order of probability to propagate.

The most recent reports that our governmental "investigative" agencies routinely violate individual rights and the laws of the land, and do so systematically, are just the tip of the iceberg. Governmental lawlessness is the gravest danger we face. It is terrorism from within.

The fawning American Press is failing abjectly in their responsibilities. Crimes of ommission yes. But crimes never the less. With anarchists and terrorists at one end of the spectrum and barnum bunkum bible beating b*stards at the other, we are in deep trouble.

ellroon said...

How can we have a free press when they can be bought so easily? They were supposed to be offering checks and balances....

I think everyone realizes the citizen bloggers have power and really made a difference in this last election. Those who guard their power jealously will try to subvert that, I'm sure, but people now know to come to the blogosphere and make a great outcry. (Look at Spocko and his battle with Disney, ABC, KSFO for one man's story.)

This is an ongoing war with no end in sight.