Monday, March 12, 2007

Get ready to duke it out in the produce aisle

The Colony Collapse Disorder is going to make food prices go up and give us less food:

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - With most of the nation's food crops depending on pollination by bees, the mysterious ailment that is causing bees to disappear is affecting the nation's food security.

A lack of honeybees means that some farmers won't waste money by planting crops that can't mature without pollination by bees. Which will undoubtedly yield less food and leave consumers paying more for what is available.

No one is sure what is causing bees to vanish, but the syndrome is so prevalent it now has a name: Colony Collapse Disorder.

Florida beekeeper David Hackenberg alone has lost 2,000 of his 3,000 hives over the past few weeks, according to BBC news.

To solve the problem federal scientists, the National Beekeepers Association and state researchers have formed an emergency working group.

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