Tuesday, March 13, 2007

For those who wish to be a Republican, learn this by heart

Mistakes were made. I was not aware. I was out of the loop. [insert name of aide] who?

Bottle of Blog:
Ignorance is not a defense.

The very Cornerstone to the Foundation of The Party Of Personal Responsibility--the "I was not aware" defense! We can trace it back to the Sainted Ronald Reagan, the Godfather of the modern Gee Oh Pee, who wasn't aware that he was running a covert and illegal war out of the office of his Vice President, Bush the Smarter, who, himself, was "out of the loop" and, therefore, not aware, either.

Republicans have sworn by it ever since.

Update 3/15: Bryan at Why Now? has a better idea:

The phrases, “mistakes were made” and “I take responsibility”, should only be used in letters of resignation or suicide notes.

1 comment:

ellroon said...

He's distracted by imagining bears and cages....