Friday, November 17, 2006

Pelosi: doing what a Speaker of the House does. Lead. No wonder they 've let loose the rabid press hounds...

Roy Blunt on Pelosi:
“One-hundred-forty-nine Democrats demonstrated yesterday that they are willing to buck Nancy Pelosi. We’ll work each day to give those Democrats a viable alternative to her liberal, San Francisco agenda."

Crooks and Liars with Keith Olbermann interviewing David Shuster:
"Yes, this was not a great day for Nancy Pelosi to lose one, but everyone says that if you look at this in the big picture, Jack Murtha will continue to speak out on Iraq and be a leading voice. Steny Hoyer has the loyalty of his supporters. And Nancy Pelosi is now seen as somebody who is willing to take a risk and willing to put the focus on getting out of Iraq.

OLBERMANN: Now, and clearly it was not her first choice, but on the other hand, she gets maybe something close to the best of all possible worlds for herself here. I mean, she thanks Mr. Murtha for making the victory possible at the elections. She—the caucus gets what it wants. She does not seem to be iron-handed. Is that, I mean, does that—this might work out as a total plus in the end for the Democrats?

SHUSTER: Yes, and when you ask Democrats about the big picture, they believe that in the big picture, this is just a blip, that this is not going to be such a big defeat for Nancy Pelosi, even though anytime a speaker goes in and loses one, obviously, that‘s something of an embarrassment.

But in the big picture, she has pleased John Murtha with her support for him. Murtha‘s pleased because he was able to get his election out there. Steny Hoyer was pleased because he felt that even though there were some strongarm tactic, he understood that Nancy Pelosi was showing loyalty, Hoyer still won. He‘s telling everybody, Don‘t worry about this.

And so in a way, in the end, I mean, all the Democrats are walking away from this united. They‘re moving forward. And a lot of them feel that this has been certainly overplayed by many people who‘ve been covering this."

Digby notes the immediate reversal to the snarky Clinton-style reporting about Pelosi:
"It's as if all these unpleasant events of the last six years never happened and we are back in the days of endless cable bitch-fests filled with sniggering about unauthorized blow jobs and earth tones and "grown-ups" who eat PB&J's and travel with their favorite pillies.

I knew it would happen in one form or another. (We caught a glimpse of it with the John Kerry apology treatment.) The DC press corps hates having to criticize Republicans. Republicans make them feel all icky and call them liberals (which they so, like, aren't!) I confess, however, that I'm a little bit awed by how smoothly they have transitioned back into their assigned roles."

Media Matters shows the tv screenshot: Damaged Goods?

Glenn Greenwald:
"The mindless group-think driving the media's caricatures of Nancy Pelosi is truly astounding to behold, even considering the source. She's not even Speaker yet, and they've already pronounced her to be a bitchy, vindictive shrew incapable of leading because she's consumed by petty personal bickering rather than serious and substantive considerations. And all of this is based on nothing."

Update: Correntewire:
"Irony is dead! Dead I tell you, dead! Because clearly, Nancy and the progressive wing of the party that got the DLCers elected in spite of themselves, surely everyone knows: we are the corrupt ones, the ethically challenged. Yup, that’s us. Not the “I voted for Bush’s war” or “the BK bill is a good thing for America” or “Habeas Corpus? Posse Com? Whazzat?” wing of the party, the ones dick-deep in K Street lobbyists. Trust your SCLM to remind you of the scandals that really matter: not Man-Boy love in the Page program, not criminal negligence in the conduct of the war, not the destruction of the Constitution in the form of 30 felonious acts by the President…breathe, CD. Just breathe."

Update: ThinkProgress:
"Fox News host Mort Kondracke, the “left-leaning” counterpart to Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes on Fox News’ The Beltway Boys, said last night that incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should be nicknamed the “Wicked Witch of the West.”"

Update: Firedoglake has more:
"But God help you if you're a woman against a war with a champion you want to promote to leadership; a person who helped raise the war debate to a campaign issue that carried your party to power, but loses that race. Let the corporate clucking begin."

Watertiger has a joke.

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