Monday, December 12, 2011


What's in a name?  Mercenaries by any other name would be just as suspect....


Marcellina said...


Perhaps the problem was that, if you go by the something pronounced "zee", your people are known as "xeroes".

That's what I called them, anyway. I suppose now I can call them Acadimwits or something.

ellroon said...

They have so much taxpayer money, they aren't going away any time soon. War really pays well. They want to get back into Iraq.

Steve Bates said...

Give the Xeroes an island somewhere. Require them to live on it in exchange for never troubling the US again... and not taking their weapons technology with them. Let the new country enter all the wars it wants. Wait a decade. Problem solved!

ellroon said...

I like the way you think!