Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Post Office is one agency explicitly authorized by the Constitution

As it says here. But Issa wants to change all that....


Steve Bates said...

Darrell Issa is a "minor accounting tweak." Or was that "twit"? Whatever; he's some sort of no-account.

The Postal Service is already effectively privatized... and also effectively obsolete. The one significant difference between postal mail and email: with email, the NSA gets to read your mail much sooner.

I have a PO Box. It was my business address in my contracting days. Now I still receive most mail there. But I stopped getting checks from investments there: somebody, somewhere, takes a black marker and marks out every single bit of postal routing barcode on the envelope, and it always takes TWO WEEKS for a check to get across town from The Woodlands (about 25 miles north) to my PO Box (near West University Place). Why? No one can tell me. But after it happened three times in a row, I made other arrangements.

USPS: U Send, Pray, Send again...

ellroon said...

We haven't had too many troubles with our postal service (/looks around for wood to knock on...) And we still rely on USPS to send some of the bills we haven't gone to automatic pay on. Hope we can keep it going.