Thursday, October 13, 2011

Finally getting down to the basics

New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion

The party of family values and right to life supports letting the hussy die.


Steve Bates said...

The abortion story is from February. I'm not certain but I believe that matter... at least that instance... has been resolved by now. I don't know the outcome, but I assume the bill did not become law.

I didn't notice it either, until some of the comments were listed as being made "8 months ago."

Steve Bates said...

Ah, now I see. According to Thomas ( ... just type "H.R. 358" in the box), the Rules Committee reported it out just yesterday for an hour of debate. Why now? My guess is that both sides (one of them mistakenly) see an advantage in pumping up the base by debating this bill now.

Steve Bates said...

(I promise I'll shut up after this...)

Here's Pelosi's comment to reporters about the bill.

ellroon said...

Appreciate the noting of the date, Steve. It's just that there has been such an onslaught on women's rights recently, I recoil at every attack. Hard to believe in this day of overpopulation and the obvious running out of oil, fish, drinkable water and inhabitable space that there are those who insist women must not be able to have freedom of choice. They are working hard not only to deny the right to an abortion, but the right to sex education, contraceptives, subsidized day care.....We must have more unwanted, uneducated serf babies.

Steve Bates said...

ellroon, I think that after the 2010 elections, the extreme right, including the anti-choice forces, believe they are about to "win it all" because of their success in congressional races. I'm more inclined to see it as the usual off-year election phenomenon in which a sitting president loses a lot of seats in Congress, but the righties imagine they smell blood, and they're pushing all their causes to the limit... infringement of women's rights among them.

ellroon said...

And, as usual, they overreach. I just hope people wake up before we get jammed back into the Dark Ages...