Thursday, May 19, 2011

War on contraception and the women's right to choose

Amanda Marcotte:
Unfortunately, barring some miraculous turn of events in the courts that shut this all down, we can probably expect to see more of this on the state and local level in conservative areas. A switch has been flipped in the conservative movement, and it’s not enough anymore to simply oppose abortion rights anymore, but to move even more radically in a direction of denying women any right to control their bodies whatsoever.
As I have said repeatedly, it all comes down to sex. And the control or total denial of it for women, those hussies! Unless it's for husbands and their insured Viagra....


mahakal said...

Won't you think of all the poor lost Spermatozoa-Americans? Masturbation must be outlawed!

(No. Not really.)

captcha: disomon

ellroon said...

Every sperm is sacred...

Steve Bates said...

One word (actually, one name)... Lysistrata. (NSFW. Skip the damned Foreword.)

ellroon said...

I read that in college....