Thursday, May 26, 2011

Atheists more Christian in behavior than Christians

High School Student Stands Up Against Prayer at Public School and Is Ostracized, Demeaned and Threatened. When a high school atheist tried to stop prayer at his graduation, he was harassed and kicked out of his house. But the atheist community stepped in.
Proving again why we must have a clear separation of church and state. And no public prayer in schools. Or else include EVERY type of prayer imaginable.... reformed Druid, Pastafarian.....


Steve Bates said...

How about a UU prayer? It is joked among UUs that our prayers begin "To Whom it may concern" ...

ellroon said...

We need to make it a law that any prayer in any public arena needs to start off that way!!

mahakal said...

I performed the Sanskrit blessing over cannabis last night, perhaps that could be used?

om hrim srim krim paramesvari kalike svaha vijayam samarpayami

ellroon said...

That too!