Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Fair is fair

We need to demand every elected official who votes to negate the women's right to control their reproductive processes must first issue a sworn statement that his wife (or husband) has never had an abortion, used birth control, or jerked off and destroyed sacred sperm. We need to know how many children they have, and if they are old enough, what their sex lives are like as well.


Ole Phat Stu said...

Some of those who negate women's right to control their reproductive processes are Catholic priests, so
we need to know how many children they have 'had' :-(

ellroon said...

Omg, Ole Phat Stu! Put that on the list!

Steve Bates said...

No. Instead, every male elected official who votes to exercise government control over any woman's reproductive decisions needs to be jailed for a long time, preferably housed with an immense cellmate nicknamed Tiny who likes it there, and has plans for his cellmate...

ellroon said...

Lol, Steve. I need to put this on my list as well...
"I've got a little list... they've none of them be missed..."