Friday, June 27, 2008

Going backwards into the Dark Ages

Where women are either pure and virginal, or sluts and should never be allowed to control their own bodies.... like this 11 year old Romanian girl who was raped and impregnated by her uncle. And doing God's work means this: Polish anti-abortionists get a 14 year old rape victim taken away from her mother.

What will come if abortion is ever outlawed. Making the medical procedure unavailable will not stop desperate women. There will just be more deaths. Which is apparently what many 'right-to-lifers' want. Shame, shunning, the scarlet letter, and baby as punishment.

These people are even working on trying to stop birth control and any other contraceptives, arguing that the pill kills babies (which it doesn't). So no sex education, no sex outside of marriage, no sex without babies, no birth control pills, no condoms, no abortions, no day care, no welfare.... no sex education....


Update 6/28: Mapaghimagsik has an excellent cartoon that fits this post! Click to go to her portfolio.



Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a "pro-life" movement, they are simply pro-oppression of women and do not care about children once born until they are old enough to serve as cannon fodder.

ellroon said...

I am having a hard time envisioning the panic of these people in their desire to control womens' bodies.

Why is it so threatening that women are enjoying sex? How could that possibly be translated as dangerous? Do they really think society will come undone by women being in charge of their reproduction processes and sexual choices? Are they afraid there'll be rampant lawlessness because of a few orgasms? Is there a racist fear that educated white women having fewer babies means the brown people will overwhelm the world?

And how could they believe the sexual habits of their neighbors should involve them? Why do they think others' private bedrooms should pass their inspection?

With this blather and froth about 'thinking about the babies', why aren't they working hard to care for and educate the unwanted babies already born around the world? Has anyone talked to the rabid anti-abortionist about the exploding population growth?

How many of these people have fostered or adopted children? How many of these people support free child care to help with the working and desperate mother?

I've related (in several different places) the time I heard someone call a childless couple 'selfish'. The idea that having children should be a weird sort of duty rather than a choice is so bizarre to me and sounds like punishment for sex. What a horrible life for both parents and the children!

The desire to oppress women is clear. Why they want to oppress women (and why some women want to be oppressed) baffles me.

Anonymous said...

Sexual liberation threatens the guilt-control complex?

ellroon said...

Because if you don't have guilt... you might go on a rampage at the mall and stuff!

Control by negativity!!

mapaghimagsik said...

Clearly, you and I were on the same wavelength...

ellroon said...

I tried yesterday to get your latest post to give me a specific link and couldn't figure it out. I'm so linking this!

mapaghimagsik said...

That's the general pattern with comicgenesis. If you'll notice, the .html file is the specific date. Its annoying, but otherwise, I like their hosting.