GEORGE W. BUSH: This was a law passed, Adam. We passed a law. Bypassing the Constitution means that we did something outside the bounds of the Constitution. We went to the Congress and got a piece of legislation passed.
REPORTER: Which is now being struck down, I think.
GEORGE W. BUSH: It is, and I accept what the Supreme Court did, and I necessarily don't have to agree with it. My only point to you is, is that yes, I mean, we certainly wish Abu Ghraib hadn't happened, but that should not reflect America. This was the actions of some soldiers.
The question unanswered is this, Georgie. WHY did you get Congress to pass a law bypassing the Constitution? WHY was there this odd need to torture? WHY?

Shorter Bush: We wanted to torture so we changed the meaning of the word so it wasn't called torture so we didn't torture so we could watch the tapes of ... uh ... it was the soldiers that did it!
crossposted at SteveAudio
Nowhere does the constitution say that the president and the congress may conspire to violate it. Marbury v. Madison established that the supreme court has the authority to say that a law is unconstitutional.
And by the way, saying that the district court agreed with you, after the supreme court ruled against you, is about the lamest thing ever.
Notice that he threw all those excuses out there in a heap. Laura looked totally out to lunch. Must be weird being married to a psychopath...
gestalt baby.
Gestalt? Like Karma running over dogma? Like something coming round full circle?....
i think the supreme court is almost as complicit in some ways -- we are ONE vote away from having a complete police state.....
Or putting it another way, one heart attack or stroke away from a police state...
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