Monday, April 14, 2008

The best worsts of the week

Of these ten.

Look at number six and guess who it is:
- Voted AGAINST an amendment providing $20 billion to the VA's medical facilities. (5/4/06)

- Voted AGAINST providing $430 million to the VA for outpatient care "and treatment for veterans," one of only 13 senators to do so. (4/26/06)

- Voted AGAINST increasing VA funding by $1.5 billion by closing corporate loopholes. (3/14/06)

- Voted AGAINST increasing VA funding by $1.8 billion by ending "abusive tax loopholes." (3/10/04)

- Voted AGAINST a $650 million increase in veterans' medical care funding. (8/1/01)
Which politician is so against supporting our troops that (s)he would vote like this?? Obviously some dirty rotten liberal Demo..... uh..... Republican?

How could this be?


crossposted at American Street


Distributorcap said...

but ell

he is SO fun to have a beer with!

ellroon said...

How can he drink beer while grinding his teeth like that?

Steve Bates said...

Beer? hell, McCain's father-in-law was a major beer distributor, a man so criminal that he was sent to prison in the post-W.W.II era for his illegal liquor-related activities. See this article from 2000, fancifully titled, "Haunted By Spirits."

ellroon said...

Holy Crap! Thanks, Steve, I had no idea!