Thursday, July 12, 2007

Michael Moore and Sanjay Gupta

Go three rounds as Larry King attempts to keep control:

(Via whig at Cannablog.)


Anonymous said...

Poor Larry King. And only a day after he has to fight J. Jonah Jameson. (It's towards the end, but they're all pretty brilliant)

ellroon said...

Thanks for the link! Those are hilarious!

Steve Bates said...

I watched the first one, and I couldn't stand any more of it. I have seen the movie. Moore is telling the truth about what he presented in the movie; Gupta is, putting it kindly, misrepresenting the movie's content.

And CNN's covering up of Cuba's ranking in its clip from SiCKO is unconscionable: now that, whether or not Gupta ordered it, is hit-piece journalism.

Forgive me if I never feel sorry for Larry King.

ellroon said...

Liberals have been silenced for so long, anyone who comes roaring out slinging facts about like Thor's hammer is an immediate hero.

To have Moore let loose on CNN was wonderful, to have him rant on Larry King was delicious.

Steve Bates said...

I read somewhere today (where? as Alberto Gonzales might say, "I don't recall") that Gupta is picking this fight in an attempt to improve flagging sales of his latest book, which is ranked down in the thousands on Amazon's list. That seems about right to me, but it still lets no one off the hook for falsifying facts in the process of attacking Moore.

ellroon said...

Why would anyone buy a book by an author so lazy and indifferent with the truth?

What a waste of money.