Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I had forgotten how much I had wanted to throttle

Poor clammy pasty-faced Scottie McClellan. Fond memories brought back by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo.

If you just repeat something long enough.... it becomes true.


Because we really want to get to the bottom of this....


Anonymous said...


Glad you like Josh's vid. We are trying to do more of the same on the video site that manages and helps TPMtv. Isn't it amazing how it feels like a decade ago that McClellan was WH Press Sec?

ellroon said...

Josh's videos have become a 'must see' and I am grateful for Veracfier for the excellent quality!

It feels like we've been in the Neocon Horror itself for decades. How good it will be to see Bush and Cheney in the rearview mirror of life!

Steve Bates said...

I do believe they got to the bottom... of the barrel, of the pit, I'm not sure what, but they certainly got to the bottom.

Count me as another daily TPMtv viewer. Oh, and I know it's silly, but I still laugh every time I see the Veracifier baby-with-binky... a great choice of logo.