This is easy! I can do this too!WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration is drastically scaling back efforts to measure global warming from space, just as the president tries to convince the world the U.S. is ready to take the lead in reducing greenhouse gases.
A confidential report to the White House, obtained by The Associated Press, warns that U.S. scientists will soon lose much of their ability to monitor warming from space using a costly and problem-plagued satellite initiative begun more than a decade ago.
What drought? I don't see any drought! Anyway, just think of the tan you'll get!

What flood? Now you won't have to wash your cars!

What dust storm that is blowing off all the top soil and ruining farming? It's fertilizing other areas!

What refugees that used to live on the coastline that is now under water? These are just happy tourists!

Think I'm getting the hang of this....
Update: NASA has learned the Bush language well too:
Last week, NPR asked NASA administrator Michael Griffin said that while he was “aware that global warming exists,” he wasn’t sure whether it “is a longterm concern or not.” Griffin said he is “not sure that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with.”What does it feel like, Mr. Griffin, to gain a pal in the White House but help lose a planet?Griffin subsequently clarified his remarks, stating that protecting the earth against global warming is not in the agency’s mission statement:
The agency is responsible for collecting data that is used by the science community and policy makers as part of an ongoing discussion regarding our planet’s evolving systems. It is NASA’s responsibility to collect, analyze and release information. It is not NASA’s mission to make policy regarding possible climate change mitigation strategies.”
But from 2002-2006, it was. Part of NASA’s mission was to “protect our home planet“:
In Feb. 2006, the mission statement was “quietly altered” to remove the phrase “to understand and protect our home planet.”To understand and protect our home planet; to explore the universe and search for life; to inspire the next generation of explorers … as only NASA can.
Oh... "take the lead." I thought he said, "Rake the leaves." One accomplishes about as much, of about the same degree of lasting value, by raking leaves as Bush has accomplished in combating global climate change.
Bush will get a Halliburton subsidiary to make umbrellas to ward off the sun....
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