Friday, December 15, 2006

The color of your bracelet

depends on the color of your skin.


Steve Bates said...

Very discouraging... and right out of the blue, as far as I can tell. Has anyone satisfactorily explained why ICE chose to commit this raid now, at this time, against mostly gainfully employed people who were not making trouble? The raid can't be of any help politically; the elections are over.

The leaving behind of young children is mean-spirited beyond belief. Indeed, the whole incident seems to be meanness for the sake of meanness.

Forgive me if I'm not very coherent in expressing this. It's hard to formulate a response to behavior that is completely irrational from any perspective I can think of.

What's next? our very own Kristallnacht, with undocumented workers standing in the role of Jews?

ellroon said...

Whoa. Frightening connection to Kristalnacht, Steve, but I can't help but think you are right.

I wonder how far up the chain of command this bizarre raid goes. As ham-handed as it was, I can't help thinking a tantrum by Bush caused it to happen...

I can just see him pouting and demanding that something be done that shows he is too the manliest man in the Bush family...