Sunday, December 31, 2006

Right-wingers declare anyone who is not gloating over Saddam's hanging

not an American, not patriotic, and obviously supports terrorism.

Larisa Alexandrovna
at her blog At Largely explains to wingnuts why this logic is faulty:

"Let me help you by explaining that one can oppose executions without supporting the crimes committed of those executed. Wow, hard to digest? I know, inbreeding will shrink your brain, did you know that?

But more importantly, this fringe that is the "enemy within America" just so happens to include the Vatican (hardly left leaning) and a cadre of Conservative voices (also hardly left leaning) who have a myriad of reasons for opposing this execution.

Some people oppose the execution because it was based on a flawed trial. Think about it, Saddam Hussein was a monster, we all know this. So why is it that he was only convicted for 148 deaths dating over 25 years ago? Ask yourself that question. Because if signing a death sentence warns execution, then should President Bush not also stand trial?

Clearly there is a reason why other crimes were not brought up or allowed, at this administrations request, to be introduced.

But you don't want to know facts. You don't even want to know where Osama is (remember him, wanted dead or alive?). What you want is some sort of feeling that you matter and that you are a real American. Unfortunately, real Americans like you, are the reason Saddam came to power to begin with.

Those opposed to the execution are not mourning the death of Saddam. What they are mourning is the loss of our own national conscience. Some are, as I have pointed out, not happy with the farce of a trial in a country to which we are attempting to (so they say) export democracy. Some are not comfortable because of the timing, which just happens to be during a holy time in Muslim religion. Not that you would know this as xenophobes are busy only with flag waving and gay bashing."


ellroon said...

Had a sudden image from the movie 'Shawn of the Dead' with the zombies crowding about the pub....

Kinda like a Republican convention now that I think about it...

Dirk Gently said...

i mourn the fact that execution is the best solution many can imagine.

ellroon said...

Reading more about the execution, it was very shabbily done and made Saddam look heroic. His execution was unnecessary and inflaming.

He became a political pawn to sacrifice when the time was 'right'. But if Bush thinks this will help, he's in for a surprise.