Monday, October 09, 2006

You spin me right round...

How will Bush and his cronies spin the North Korean pseudo-nuke?

They have to avoid talking about:

the obvious diplomatic neglect when we refused to talk to the North Koreans face to face....

the arrogant name-calling when we included them in the axis of evil and made fun of Dear Leader....

the refusal to act when the inspectors were tossed out....

the feeble hoping that other nations would pick up the problem....

the distraction caused by the invasion of one country that didn't have nukes that allowed the one that was truly dangerous going quickly about the business of getting them....

They will just have to remind us how safe they have kept us with the Star Wars system... uh... With the excellent military with up-to-date equipment... errr... With the superb diplomacy ... no... With the War On Terror....nope ....

Be afraid! You vote Republican when you are afraid!!

Update: Crooks and Liars has appropriate video.

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