Friday, June 15, 2012

Vagina monologues

The frantic silencing of the women Michigan state representatives who dared to mention women's naughty bits didn't prevent one of them from saying: "If they are going to legislate my anatomy, I see no reason why I cannot mention it.” So I will mention this again because they want to make our sex lives their business, they must make their sex lives our business.: my idea for an amendment: Any politician who supports negating a woman's right for reproductive control must sign a legal document that states he (or she) has never and will never use (nor his/her significant other) an abortifacient (a hormonal birth control pill), has never masturbated, never had an abortion nor encouraged anyone to have one, had sex with anyone before marriage, had sex only with spouse and had sex only for procreation. And the politician must agree that after extensive research if they have lied they must resign.


Steve Bates said...

(Sorry for the lateness of this comment. I started one the other day, but Stella interrupted with something that just HAD to be done that very moment...)

I suspect the entire episode, from its deplorable beginning in the legislature to the performance of The Vagina Monologues on the capital steps, will serve the useful purpose of reminding women all over the US just how much... how little... the GOP values them as humans. As for Michigan... if I were a female Michigander, I'd spring a Lysistrata move on the sorry menfolk...

ellroon said...

Lysistrata... my college-aged daughter and I just read that and she laughed all the way through. Love the fact that something that old is still so applicable...