Bluefin tuna contaminated with radiation believed to be from Fukushima Daiichi turned up off the coast of California just five months after the Japanese nuclear plant suffered meltdown last March, US scientists said. Tiny amounts of caesium-137 and caesium-134 were detected in 15 bluefin caught near San Diego in August last year, according to a study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal. The levels were 10 times higher than those found in tuna in the same area in previous years, but still well below those that the Japanese and US governments consider a risk to health. Japan recently introduced a new safety limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram in food. The timing of the discovery suggests that the fish, a prized but dangerously overfished delicacy in Japan, had carried the radioactive materials across the Pacific ocean faster than those conveyed by wind or water.If you don't want that tuna, have some fish without eyes.
Going vegan makes more and more sense....
Going vegan (not merely lacto-ovo-vegetarian) is not for the timid. Vegans have severe challenges eating out. Vegans who want adequate nutrition simply must plan their meals in advance... no more tossing dinner together at the last minute. I tried it for 8 weeks one time (it's supposedly good for a diabetic, which I am) and wound up feeling awful... not to mention hating life. Veganism is not for me.
[CAPTCHA: "proof hemfun"]
Within our extended family and friends we have lactose-intolerant, half-hearted vegetarians, diabetics (1 + 2), picky eaters, allergic, the list goes on. I cook simple and multi-choice, but trying to satisfy the militant vegan would be a real challenge.
Fallenmonk went on one of those diets and managed to reverse his type-2 diabetes... but Fallenmonk cooks for himself, by choice, so that's bound to be easier.
Stella and I have no differences in what it is OK to eat (lacto-ovo-veg), but damn, we aren't remotely similar in what we LIKE to eat within that spectrum.
Yikes. I cannot... CANNOT... read that CAPTCHA text. Back in a moment... OK, I think I can read this one [crosses fingers]...
If I had read this comment before the other one.... CAPTCHAs are there to taunt you and make you put on your glasses...
And yes, amazing how even within one family, the hatred/love of certain foods can span the spectrum. I'll have to remember that specific vegetarian: lacto-ovo-veg... I'm sure we have one or two of those...
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