Tuesday, February 09, 2010

And in the distance, we can still hear the shrill voices of the neocons....

Bomb Iran!


Bolton seems to believe that everything in the world can be fixed by nuking Iran .... economy, environment, jobs, acne, .....


Really, why on earth did we develop the A bomb if we weren't going to use it and show the world we're total badasses?

Because that was their intent all along... Iraq was supposed to be easy. They were going to pop out Hussein and pop in Chalabi and then be sitting pretty to start a real war with Iran.



And they're making sure the next crop of neocons gets the message:


And even some non-neocons seem to think nuking Iran would fix everything.


They're already planning to blame Obama for everything that goes wrong because he DIDN'T nuke Iran when he had the chance.



Anonymous said...

From Wiki....

Nuclear Bunker Busters are more humane...

"Bunker-busting nuclear weapons, also known as earth-penetrating weapons (EPW), are a type of nuclear weapon designed to penetrate into soil, rock, or concrete to deliver a nuclear warhead to a target. These weapons would be used to destroy hardened, underground military bunkers buried deep in the ground. In theory, the amount of radioactive nuclear fallout would be reduced from that of a standard, air-burst nuclear detonation because they would have relatively low explosive yield."

I don't think the neocons would really sweat the millions of dead Iranians.......but the $ 6 a gallon gasoline might make them regret it.
The best course might be to convince the bloodthirsty fuckwits that attacking Iran might interfere with their fabulously luxurious lifestyle.

Steve Bates said...

Sorry, Dusty, but "more humane nuclear weapon" is a complete oxymoron. Anyone inclined to say otherwise should immediately read Original Child Bomb (.pdf) by Thomas Merton. The original edition... I have one of the few published copies I know of... also contains line drawings and photos of the aftermath of Hiroshima. There is no such thing as a good nuclear weapon; not only their detonation but their very existence in the world is a threat to every human alive and every child to be born. Sorry, but there is no technological solution to this one. Please read Merton's straightforward account and reflect on what you are (or at least appear to be) advocating.

ellroon said...

The horrors of depleted uranium are already taking their toll with pregnancies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

These war crimes aren't only done on the helpless population of Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan though. We will have soldiers coming back from these wars with untold damage to their DNA.

We will be paying for this evil for generations.

Anonymous said...

Steve Bates said...
"Sorry, Dusty, but "more humane nuclear weapon" is a complete oxymoron"

You are 100% accurate.!
I was just trying to show how truly insane neocons are to think nukes are the answer. Iran is not a threat to us or anybody IMO. I'd have to see some hard evidence to be convinced otherwise.

ellroon said...

The neocons miss the Cold War and need a big bad boogie man to scare us with... Bin Laden doesn't seem to be doing the trick.