Saturday, May 03, 2008

John McCain resays what he really meant to say when he said what he didn't mean to say

My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will - that will then prevent us - that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East.
His explanation (via Atrios and Think Progress):

But then when specifically asked by an Associated Press reporter if, when he made the statement, he was “thinking about the first Gulf War,” he said no.

“No, I was thinking about- it’s not hard to- we will not,” McCain stumbled. “By eliminating our dependency on foreign oil, we will not have to have our national security threatened by a cut off of that oil. Because we will be dependent, because we won’t be dependent, we will no longer be dependent on foreign oil. That’s what my remarks were.”

Right. McCain sure doesn't play the Bush "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" game very well, does he?


Anonymous said...

How do you stand listening to the guy. He's almost to the point of needing a name tag to know who he is.

He has really gone down hill since 2000.

Steve Bates said...

What Bryan said. I have no credentials that allow me to diagnose what's wrong with McCain, but having seen both Alzheimer's disease and ordinary old-person memory lapses, I believe McCain has more than ordinary lapses. The last thing we need is a president speaking like that in a time of crisis.

The presidency is not for the faint of brain.

ellroon said...

Bryan, I think you're looking at a guy who's sold his soul to the Bush cabal and knows what it means. After being treated by Bush like he was during the 2000 election, to turn around and hug the guy is beyond weird, it's creepy.

The faint of brain or the hardened of arteries, Steve... We're going to pay a whole lot of attention to his running mate.

Distributorcap said...

he makes more and more mistakes
and the media gives him more and more free passes

coincidence? i dont think so

ellroon said...

Exactly, Dcap, which is why the liberal bloggers are hammering away on his 'senior moments', misspoken 'facts' and outright lies and distortions.

We've been here before and we won't take the Obama/Clinton media-driven rumpus to distract us. Focus on McBush and his four more years of the Bush administration.