Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Excuse me, dear, but why did you stay home from work

And who the hell is that parked in our driveway?
This morning Google gave their 2D maps an incredible realworld addition. Its a street-view, that in certain cities, will let you get a street side view of the area you are currently in. This is not just a static, A9-style image. It will also let you move along the street in a smooth manner and even more amazing it will let you change your angle and continue moving that way. This will be formally launched at Where 2.0 later today.

Update 6/7: Via Tengrain , Mark Morford of SFGate has an ... overview.


Anonymous said...

Hey - e-mail me!

And stop driving by my apt. What, you thought I don't check the GoogleStalker site? Darned right, I do!

Or at least come up for a cup of coffee or a beer.

mapaghimagsik said...

Man, GoogleStalker is right. How long before there's some sort of privacy invasion complaint?

ellroon said...

*Gasp* I thought my fake moustache and glasses disguised me!

GoogleStalker: Cyberlurking with one click!

Sorghum Crow said...

No really the cable guy drives a red convertible...

ellroon said...

Uh huh.

Next stop: GoogleDivorce!