C'mon, Vlad! It'll be cool! Mah missile defense guys will make a buttload of money an' it won't work anyhow! Whatcha so steamed up about? Ain't we friends? Vlad?Polls show more than 60 percent of Czechs are against plans to station a radar system southwest of Prague, and surveys in Poland — where 10 interceptor missiles would be based — show strong opposition there as well. Both countries are still negotiating with the U.S. over whether to host the shield.
Bush sought to play down Russia's response, which has overshadowed his European trip.
"The Cold War is over. It ended," Bush said at the medieval Prague Castle, where he met with Czech President Vaclav Klaus and Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek.
"My message will be: 'Vladimir — I call him Vladimir — you shouldn't fear a missile defense system. As a matter of fact, why don't you cooperate with us on a missile defense system?'" Bush said.

No... no, I said you smell and your MOTHER not your brother dresses you funny:

Its the Diplomanator!
Bush off to Europe to violate personal space and talk with his mouth full. Who gets the massage on this trip? I hear Merkel has doubled her security staff.
She'll need it.
I would laugh my ass off. "President gets ass kicked by German security staff."
He'll just give Merkel wounded puppy dog looks from afar because she's refusing to be his mommy buddy pal.
ick. Just ick.
What we really need is a prick defense system.
I take your prick defense system and raise it one moron and an evil Unka Dick defense system!
Merkel did a damned fine job with just her elbows, despite having no prior warning. She doesn't need more security staff; all she needs is her Strategeric Muscle Defense System. If Bush tries again, he had better watch his cojones.
Lol! The Merkel Missile Defense system has a much better range and delivery punch....
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