Thursday, April 12, 2007

The times they are a'changin'

Look what happens when there is a shift in the power base, when the mainstream media realizes with a shock that they are losing money, that their clients are going elsewhere, that bloggers and the net are referenced more than they are for the truth and the news.

Look at the confusion the good ol' boy network is in when their bile-filled snark and hatred is no longer acceptable with a nudge nudge wink wink.

Look at the power-lusting Christianists being exposed like slugs under a rock as they ooze their way into the judiciary, the racists with their deep pockets sabotaging voters, the misogynists with their anti-woman screeds worse than any Taliban denying the pill, reproductive rights or even sexual knowledge.

Look at those who hate education in general and science in particular and offer ignorance and blind faith as a replacement.

Look at 70% of Americans who say this is not them. This is not the America they knew. This is not the America they will accept.

Welcome back, my America. Where have you been?


Anonymous said...

slightly off topic, but senator grassley was going bonkers on the floor today. i don't understand all that tax bullshit, but he was going on, and on about some blogger at Kos named Ornicus. at the end of his diatribe he asked the Ornicus's remarks be entered into the record.

I awakened to the cry
That the people / have the power
To redeem / the work of fools
Upon the meek / the graces shower
Its decreed / the people rule

Patti Smith

ellroon said...

You don't mean Orcinus, do you? Gotta go google.

Patti Smith also has taken a Guantanamo German prisoner (now released) to heart:,1518,476869,00.html

charley said...

i don't know i was half asleep.

yes, well, i suppose i did, but a quick google shows they are both lefty bloggers. of course i'm familiar with Orcinus, this was a blogger Grassley read at Kos.

ellroon said...

I have to confess I don't read Kos much. I haven't figured out the diary/post thing very well, and the layout is awkward.

Looking for what Grassley was ranting about....