Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fucking civility on demand

I don't need to quote the silliness, the vulgar yet succinct responses. All I need to do is quote Bryan of Why Now?:
In summary, we don’t need little icons to warn people of content; there is no right to comment; people who threaten others should be prosecuted under the existing laws.
Control your blog, leave if the comment thread becomes too rude, use existing laws for anyone who truly steps out of line.


JJ said...

LMAO - I love that troll policy at yellow doggerel. "Take all the vowels out of the troll's post", too funny! Or should I say, too fucking funny.

ellroon said...

I don't know if I'm that wickedly clever... I just use the delete button if I don't like what has been said.

Steve Bates said...

Thanks, jj. It's easy and fun, and I learned the trick from Teresa at Making Light, by way of Avedon. Not to worry; I do it only to commenters who really, really have it coming.

ellroon said...

Th dlt bttn s fstr, bt rmvng vwls s fnnr. Trlls ht bng lghd t.

Steve Bates said...

That's good, ellroon! I go a step further, removing spaces as well as vowels, and chopping up what's left into arbitrary segments, sausage-like. Then again, I usually have a fancy text editor already launched most of the time, so it's no hassle. And it is fun.

For us, laughter is the best medicine; for trolls, it's a bitter pill. Heh. Haha. Hahahaha... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

ellroon said...


I wait with bated breath (pun intended) for the next unsuspecting troll to visit your blog....