Saturday, December 02, 2006

White knuckle time

If you really want to know what the Iraqis are experiencing daily, read this.

Just a small quote from the newest entry where Zeyad says:
"To grasp how dire the situation in Baghdad has become over the last few days, here is a sampling of posts on Iraqi message boards where people ask for instructions on how to defend their neighbourhoods from marauding militiamen:"
Anonymous - Jihad district:
Urgent. Please intervene to save the Jihad district from another massacre. Interior Ministry commandoes have been transporting fighters and mercenaries from the militias with their buses to their headquarters in the district. They are estimated to be around 500 mercenaries, fully armed with medium and light weapons. And now some of them are taking attack positions in preparation for a new massacre in the district. The buses have not stopped arriving, even though terrified residents have called the police and governmental officials."

Map on his site showing the different districts, red are where the clashes have been reported:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


spocko said...

That is just so sad. I know just how small the stakes are in what I do. When I see stuff like this I think, they are fighting for their LIVES and we played a huge role in making it all possible

ellroon said...

This brought it home more than just the pictures of the wreckage of cars. People pleading for help before it happens.
We have no idea what we have done to these people. None.

spocko said...

What is also astonishing it just the numbers 40 people just blown up today. Can you image that? We get freaked out over a car crash. Blown up. Every. Single. Day.


ellroon said...

They've had how many 9/11s since we decided to bring them freedoms? And no, I cannot even imagine the horror of one person being blown up let alone 40.