Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mary Cheney and the pregnancy that destroys societies.

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Dirk Gently at lists reasons we are paying attention to Mary Cheney's pregnancy:
"The first, of course, is that the evil and totally disreputable hypocrite Dick Cheney sits in the seat of the second most powerful position in the world thanks in no small part to rabid homophobia. Yes, heartless Dickie and his Lesbian-Storytelling wife rode a wave of anti-gay ballot initiatives and redneckrophila close enough to the White House that he and his pet chimp were able to sneak inside."

Dirk continues in another post:
"The second reason that I'm invading Mary and Heather's privacy by commenting on their pregnancy is that the Nazis beat me to it. They don't call themselves Nazis, of course. But they apparently want to breed a Master Race and expunge the nation of anyone who does not meet their views of civil, moral and familial purity."

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